So what was I doing since that "moment"...
November 2010
I took some time off to relax of course and start thinking what to do. First, was to apply for an AIESEC internship and I've been browsing the website to find a suitable match. I know this don't come easy so I must have the patience and determination that I'll get one good match very soon.
Then I was thinking what other interesting thing that I can do and that will make me happy. The first thing that came into my mind was stationery. I don't know for what reason, I really like/love stationery and so I started browsing different websites that sell stationeries..and they are all beautiful...So I thought...."hey why don't I start an online stationery blogshop" and that's when I began planning, getting more information, visualizing, designing and taking it step by step...and now..this is my baby.. "Paper & Clips"

December 2010
I have been thinking to get a tattoo since ages but I never had the courage to do it. I was afraid of the pain. I told one of my friend about my intention and he recommended a friend to me who owns a tattoo studio. I agreed to go and check out the place to get more information. I remember asking the question " is it painful" for like more than 20 times.I think even the tattoo artist was fed up with me and suddenly my friend popped the questions " since you are here, why don't you do it now?" and I replied " No! Are you kidding me..I'm not ready!". The truth is, I know I'll never be ready for this...After a while, I agreed to do it. I still remember the moment I wanted to run away when I heard the sound of the machine..the sound of the machine was scary...the thoughts of the pain when the needle goes into my skin was horrible. I closed my eyes, hugged the pillow tight and tell myself to just bear with the pain. It was painful...for 2 hours I was cursing and talking nonsense..But I must say that, I felt really happy after that. The pain was unforgeable but the joy is unexplainable. It feels good when you finally achieve something that you were very afraid to try..
Another unforgettable moment was my trip to Bangkok. I'm really grateful to be invited to chair the national conference of AIESEC in Thailand. Members there were so pure, passionate and during parties..they are quite crazy too! AIESEC conferences always inspire me no matter you attend as delegates, faci or chair. Thank you for bringing the spark back into my life! and remind me again of who I am and not to forgot..I have quite a lot of Tom Yum Gung! Did I tell you that I LOVE Tom Yum? Yes I do...

January 2011
I want 2011 to be an exciting year and I want to step out of my comfort zone, to try something that I never thought of doing and do something that I never thought I will so I begin listing my resolutions. My resolutions are very simple actions that will make my life more exciting, fulfilling and gives me a different perspective. I believe these resolutions will grow me to be a better person and not take things for granted. 2010 was one very challenging year for me and I want a fresh start
So I started my first resolution - "starting yoga" right after the New Year and I'm happy that I've been doing quite a good job. I go for yoga classes at least 3 times a week. I feel healthier, calmer, and happier! Also because of Yoga, I've started to go on healthy diet. Consume more healthy food and reduce junk food (except my chocolate..)
Work wise; although I don't have a permanent full time job now but believe it or not, I'm really happy. I'm working on a few projects and more to come. One of it is a charity project. Giving to charities and giving to those who are less fortunate make me feel like a million bucks inside. It is very important that we take some time to help the needy. Give them a chance to shine..give them hope for a better tomorrow. “Our children are our only hope for the future, but we are their only hope for their present and their future”
I know 2011 will be an exciting year because it will be another chapter of my life story. Sometimes a new life story “happens itself upon us” in an instant. A change in a relationship, an illness or a promotion, and suddenly everything is different. Everything up for re-evaluation. New decisions to make. New paths to explore. The unknown to wrestle...Never be afraid to change because there are greater surprises waiting ahead of you..
To be continue...
This is really cool Geraline. I beliv u'r gona make dis a gr8 year
Thanks Daniel ;) I wish the best for you too
great!!! good luck for this year in everything you do!
Thanks Dante. Same to you:)
anyway all turn out good on you my dear friend! :)
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