But now, I'm ready to share with you how I feel. I'm sharing with you an email I wrote to my friend..
I feel really so grateful for the people who have supported me directly/indirectly on my journey. I had the best 14 months of my AIESEC Experience as the CCP and I can't thank god enough for sending me 49 amazing individuals to make this dream come true. Many people ask me during IC why I look so relax or at least I don't look too stressful. I knew it was a compliment and it's all because of my team. They were truly prepared and way too hardworking so I didn't need to worry too much! All the things that I envisioned for IC came true...from the songs that I wish to be played during Opening Ceremony to the settings of the Gala Dinner..It was perfect!! For this time, Gala Dinner was not a buffett! Delegates didn't need to queue for food. They get to be served and look pretty:)
I felt so emotional when I was walking in to the ballroom for Opening Ceremony. I wished the song of "Malaysia Truly Asia" to be played...and it really happened. The feeling was amazing - I teared..
14 months of struggle..challenges...difficulties...finally paid off. I promised that no matter what, IC 2009 will happen and it will be a blast. I kept my promises. The conference finish in just a blink. We spent 14 months to prepare and it took only 10 days to end. We really missed it and wish it will last longer or maybe...forever?
Then,CC begin to feel emotional because they realise IC 2009 is soon going to end and is time for them to say goodbye. I didn't feel so sad about the farewell because I knew some of us are going to travel a bit together but when the last CC member left, I felt it. It was at the airport, looking at them walking down to the departure hall and I was reflecting what has happened in the last 14 months.. The next morning when I woke up..for a moment, I felt lost and weird. I feel that the meeting I had with the Director of IYC ( CC pre stay venue) was just yesterday and IC hasnt happen or maybe I was hoping it hasnt happen.
The Malaysian CCs still get to meet up almost everyday for lunch/dinner and we keep in touch with the rest through facebook or Skype. Spend hours and hours on Facebook to upload pictures and commenting them. It's so funny.. I wish you could feel what I'm feeling because is so amazing! I remember telling my CCs at the last CC core meeting that IC 2009 may have ended but our friendship and the memories we shared is forever, is a lifetime. They are not just my team mates but they are my friends. Once we are friends, forever we will be. It is indeed an experience that I can never forget and it will surely live in all of us for the rest of our life. IC 09 may not be a legacy but this EXPERIENCE is a legacy :)
Now, is time for me to move on with life. I will go for an AIESEC internship to create many more experiences and great stories for myself and the people around me.
Hope this email is not too long. Can't wait to hear from you.
With love,
I hope you've enjoyed the story. It is a true story and is real. I'm happy to share this with you. If at any point of time you need help/advices/guidance or just someone to listen to you, you can come to me. I'm always happy to help and share my AIESEC experience with you. I'll be off to somewhere soon to share my AIESEC experiences and I really hope many more young people out there can live such power experiences - experience of a lifetime :)
Geralynn, great to read your sharing of your AIESEC experience! Great job for the success of it! Good to see that you and your team brings out the best to make it happen!
And you are someone who give the credits to your team. They are all very lucky to have such a good leader like you.
Good that you would be going on AIESEC internship. All the best to you! :)
Hey Geralynn,
nice words, nice pics, nice video - really good to see you so happy after the stressful months before. Hope you enjoy your upcoming internship as much as I enjoyed mine - but I am sure you will. All the best and good luck!
Cheers from Germany
Thanks for the good wishes!
Manu, I hope to see you soon in Germany :)
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