Friday, November 16, 2007

Are You Having Sleeping Disorder?

A good night's sleep problem solver

1. Exercise regularly, preferbly in the late afternoon. DO NOT exercise strenuosly within 2 or 3 hours of bedtime, as this may impare your ability to fall asleep

2. Dont take a long nap during the day.
3. Eat at regular times during the day and avoid a heavy meal close to bedtime
4. After lunch, stay away from anything that contains caffeine.
5. Don't smoke! If you can't quit, try not to smoke for an hour or two before bedtime
6. Avoid excessive mental stimulation before bedtime
7. A warm bath or a few minutes of reading in bed, listening to soothening music, or meditating are as useful sleep rituals.
8. Keep your bedroom dark and quiet.
9. Use your bedroom only for sleeping, not for working or watching tv.
10. Wear nightclothes that are loose-fitting and comfortable

Milk and honey promote sleep. Milk contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is among the natural sietary sleep inducers. Tryptophan works by increasing the amount of seronin, a natural sedative, in the brain. This is why so many folk remedies include warm milk with a teaspoonful of honey.

A banana with milk gives you vitamin B10, which helps convert tryptophan to serotonin!

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