Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My second visit to Pantai Cheras Medical Centre

If you are wondering if I'm sick again. YES! You are correct!

Since last Wednesday, I have been having on and off fever. Until Friday morning, I started to have headache. I couldn't stand it anymore so I went to the clinic after work to consult the doctor. Doctor prescribed me with some pain killers, Vitamin C and fever tablets. On the next day, it just didn't get any better, in fact it has became worse until I couldn't imagine. My mom suggested to my dad to bring me to consult the Sinseh but the Sinseh advised me to go to the hospital and so I went to the Pantai Cheras Medical Centre.

I was pushed to the emergency ward. They checked my temperature and pressure. Doctor gave me a jab (pain killer) to reduce my headache. After 20 minutes, he came back to check and things were still the same. He gave me the second jab (pain killer) and after 15 minutes, still the same......Doctor decided to admit me to the ward!

In the ward, they took my blood sample a few times for blood test and I had a Lumbar Punctures too (ouucchh!!) to check if I have any brain infection or brain tumor.


Some info about lumbar punctures. Spinal taps are usually done with the patient lying in a curled position (the "fetal" position) on his/her side. This opens up a space between each vertebrae (spinal bones) along the spine. These procedures are done under sterile conditions, with the skin numbed with sedative. A needle is then inserted through the space between adjacent vertebrae in the lower back area. The spinal cord stops well above this area so there is no danger of contacting the cord itself during this procedure. A small amount of clear fluid is withdrawn and medications may be given through the same needle. The fluid sample is studied under the microscope by your doctor in order to detect any malignant cells. Some patients may be weak and experience headaches or nausea after an LP, especially if medications are given into the fluid. Therefore, an anti-emetic (a drug that prevents vomiting) is usually given to avoid these side effects.

And finally I discharged from the ward today! I'm feeling better now although still need to be on medication. I'm happy to be home.

* Thank you darling for being by my side. Without you, it wouldn't have been easy. Thank you to mom, dad and bro for taking care of me. Thank you Anisha, Chee Kek, Jasper and Mee Peng for visiting me! I was really happy to see you guys and at least I knew that you guys are the few people who cares about me! Love you all so much.


anisha said...

Hello Darling!!!

Ayoo.... buat orang yang baca blog englau risau saja lah! Hehehe.. Mindy was soo scared after she got to know about " sucked out" bone marrow and all.. must be from someone who read your blog and told her la! hahahaha

Please ar... no third visit all ok? It's not a place that you want to be a regular! Take care of yourself and dont be so paranoid!! Hehehe... few more days to be able to be sarcastic to you la:p

joeyk86 said...

Hey Geralynn,
I am Aiesecer too. :) Happy to bump into your webby.. lol

I'll see u around.. maybe next year ;D


Geralynn Wong said...

Hi Joo Yee! Welcome to my blog!

Alicia said...

Hey babe! What happened la?! Sorry, didn't know about it, or I might have dropped by to cheer u up as well... Do take care & stay healthy la wei~

*hugz* (AL)

LX said...

hey ger... long time no chat but i hope everything is well now and you are going to be healthy and happy for a long time to come...

Geralynn Wong said...

Hey Lx!
Really happy to hear from you!
Are you in Bahrain already? How are things going on?
I will take care of myself. Don't worry.